Recognising Australia’s remarkable exporters

SENATOR THE HON SIMON BIRMINGHAM Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Leader of the Government in the Senate Senator for South Australia   HON ANDREW GEE MP Minister Assisting the Minister for Trade and Investment Member for Calare   MEDIA RELEASE 11 December 2020 Recognising Australia’s remarkable exporters Australia’s innovative exporters and investors have today been recognised…


Consolidated Financial Statements for the Australian Government for 2019-20

Friday, 11 December 2020 The Consolidated Financial Statements present the whole of government and general government sector financial reports. The Final Budget Outcome, released on 25 September 2020, presents the financial results for the general government sector. The Auditor-General has provided an unqualified audit opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements. Key highlights from the 2019-20 Consolidated…


Reforms to the Export Market Development Grants scheme pass Parliament

11 December 2020 The Parliament has today passed legislation that backs Australian businesses to grow their exports and create jobs through reforms to the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme.   The EMDG scheme is a key Government financial assistance program to help aspiring and current exporters increase their marketing and promotional activities in international…


Australia-Singapore digital trade agreement kicks-off

9 December 2020   The Australia-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement (DEA) has kicked-off, setting a new global benchmark for digital trade rules and providing more digital trade opportunities for businesses and consumers in both countries.   The Agreement is expected to deliver practical improvements to lower costs and make it easier for Australian exporters to do…


Cabramatta Loop closer to construction

Wednesday, 9 December 2020 The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has released the design and construct tender for the Cabramatta Loop Project, which will play an important role in meeting Sydney’s future freight demand. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the project involved constructing and operating a…


New Procurement Rules to back Aussie Small Businesses

Senator the Hon. Simon Birmingham Minister for Finance Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Leader of the Government in the Senate Senator for South Australia Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate Senator for Western Australia Monday, 7 December 2020 The…
