Senate vote on Gaza

The Senate today missed an opportunity to maintain a strong and moral stance against Hamas terrorists and their ongoing cause of bloodshed. The Coalition sought to amend the Senate motion supported by the Labor and the Greens to better reflect the terms of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) motion and also to reflect important…


Rowan Ramsey has always gone the extra mile in Grey

Rowan Ramsey’s representation of his electorate of Grey over the last 17 years has been marked by tireless efforts to listen to communities across Grey, passionately represent them and demonstrate effective leadership within them.   Rowan truly has gone the extra mile to represent this vast electorate, indeed he has clocked up hundreds of thousands…


UNRWA decision risky and reckless

Joint media release: Senator Claire Chandler, Shadow Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs The Coalition does not support the Albanese Labor Government decision to release $6 million in paused funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) ahead of, and without coordination with, key partners especially the United States. The Hamas attacks of 7…


Senator Linda White

The Coalition extends its sympathy to the family and friends of Senator Linda White, following her untimely passing.   We also extend our sympathy to Senator White’s staff, those who worked with her, her colleagues across the union movement and the Labor Party.   Elected to the Senate in 2022, in Senator White’s short time…


The message is clear – support Ukraine

Remarks at the National Press Club today by Ambassador of Ukraine, Vasyl Myroshnychenko and Kateryna Argyrou, representing the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations, delivered a powerful message today – Ukraine needs support from Australia. Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator Simon Birmingham said the stark message delivered today reiterated the desperate calls Ukraine has been…


Indonesian Election

Joint media statement: The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Leader of the Opposition The Federal Coalition congratulates Prabowo Subianto on his election as the next President of Indonesia. The sustained prosperity of Indonesia holds immense importance and benefit for our region. Australia has long had a deep connection to Indonesia as one of our nearest neighbours.…


Additional assistance to Ukraine

Joint statement: The Hon Andrew Hastie MP, Shadow Minister for Defence The Coalition welcomes the announcement of an additional $50 million contribution to the International Fund to Ukraine (IFU) as we approach two years since the beginning of Russia’s illegal and immoral war against Ukraine. The Opposition wholeheartedly supports Ukraine’s defence against Russia and recognises…


Labor leaves our sailors in the lurch

Joint statement: The Hon Andrew Hastie MP, Shadow Minister for Defence   In yet another failure of leadership, Defence Minister Richard Marles was a no-show when it came to standing up for our brave sailors who were attacked by a People’s Republic of China destroyer in November last year. Senate Estimates revealed today that while…
