Labor turns its back on Gonski

The Labor Party has abandoned needs-based funding and the principles of the Gonski Review that they lauded until it was no longer politically expedient.   I am disappointed but not surprised that Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek have chosen to play politics with this issue rather than to back the 9,000 schools that stand to…


Opportunity for states to truly deliver on Gonski

I’m looking forward to meeting with my state and territory colleagues today to discuss Australia’s future schools funding arrangements and the implementation of a true, sector-blind, needs-based model that wipes away the current hodge podge of 27 special deals that distort a fair allocation of money and support.   As former ‘Gonski Review’ author Ken…


More support for Turnbull Government’s schools plan

The Turnbull Government’s plan for schools has continued to be recognised for its fairness and equity. Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said the Turnbull Government’s proposal ensured every school was supported based on its need regardless of background, sector or faith while ensuring that investment is tied to initiatives in schools proven to…


Schools funding fairness and equity welcomed

The Education Minister Simon Birmingham has welcomed the support of various schooling lobby groups, principals, teachers and parents following the announcement of the Turnbull Government’s plans to ensure all schools were funded fairly and according to need.   Minister Birmingham said he was pleased that so many people had heeded the Prime Minister’s call to…


True needs-based funding for Australia’s schools

The Turnbull Government will introduce real needs-based school funding, and increase investment as part of a new initiative that will give Australian students the quality education they deserve. The Government will commit an additional $18.6 billion for Australia’s schools over the next decade, starting from 2018. It will be distributed according to a model of…


New CEO of the Australian Research Council

Professor Sue Thomas has been appointed to serve as the new CEO of the Australian Research Council (ARC). Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said Professor Thomas would play an important role in shaping the future of Australian research and delivering on the Turnbull Government’s National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA). “I’m pleased that…


Islamic School of Canberra

“Today, my department has written to the school authority responsible for the Islamic School of Canberra, to inform them that their approval for access to Federal funds has been revoked with effect from 30 June 2017 (end of Term 2).  “This means that the Islamic School of Canberra will no longer be receiving Australian Government…
