Government slammed over $223m Australia Network tender

  The Auditor-General’s report into the conduct of the Australia Network tender is a damning indictment of the handling of this tender by both Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Communications Minister Stephen Conroy.   It demonstrates that the dysfunction at the heart of this Government is responsible for the ultimate corruption of this $223 million…


Carbon tax to hit environment

  Labor’s carbon tax is perversely about to make it harder to help the environment, Acting Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage Simon Birmingham said today.   Plastics recycling companies are warning they will have to cut hundreds of jobs or go broke due to soaring electricity costs.   The Gillard Government expects…


Government must end the drama & release Basin legal advice

  The Government must act to restore confidence in the Murray-Darling Basin reform process and release all legal advice relating to the consistency of the proposed Basin Plan with the Water Act, Coalition Basin spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   “With conflicting legal advice being touted by environmentalists, irrigators and the South Australian Government, it’s…


SA short-changed by dodgy NBN figures

  “South Australians are being taken for fools by a Labor Government who thinks dodgy figures and implied promises will make up for their failure to deliver the National Broadband Network (NBN),” Opposition Senate Communications spokesman Simon Birmingham said today. ? It follows the Government’s announcement today of a new NBN fibre rollout plan designed…


Labor’s Murray rhetoric not matched by reality

  South Australia’s Labor Government didn’t place enough importance on the future of the Murray to accept an invitation to embed staff with the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), Coalition Basin spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   Offers from the Authority, including an offer to pay all costs, and refusals from the Labor State Government have…


Labor and Greens abandon solar industry

  The Gillard Government and alliance partners the Greens today turned their back on the solar hot water industry, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   Coalition efforts to reinstate the Solar Hot Water Rebate were today thwarted by Labor and Greens Senators voting against the Solar Hot Water Rebate Bill…


Worried about electricity prices? You should be…

  South Australians and other Australians will only be more worried about electricity prices as they climb even more steeply under Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today   His comments follow a poll showing that Australians are most concerned about electricity costs of all the major household…
