Birmingham-Ruston – River funding another Labor election re-announcement

  Funding announced today by Labor for the River Murray Improvements Program is another election re-announcement that demonstrates Labor’s contempt for South Australian river communities.   Senator for South Australia and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Murray-Darling Basin, Simon Birmingham said South Australian river communities were tired of being treated as political playthings by Labor.…


Labor chaos reflected in climate change staffing

  Staffing at the Rudd/Gillard Government’s Climate Change department reflect Labor’s chaos and dysfunction over climate policies, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   Questioning through Senate Estimates has revealed* that: ·         at least 190 left the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency prior to its abolition in March, with…


Rudd should detail insulation debts, recovery efforts

  Kevin Rudd should provide a clear statement to taxpayers regarding millions of dollars of debts owed to them as a result of his disastrous $2 billion Home Insulation Program, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   Senator Birmingham has written to Prime Minister Rudd* regarding nearly $10 million in outstanding…


Wong: carbon tax here to stay

  A senior Rudd Government minister has today confirmed the carbon tax is here to stay under Labor, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   Contrary to suggestions that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his new Minister for Climate Change, Mark Butler, are considering abandoning their carbon tax, Labor’s third most…


Basin reform questions unanswered

  Today’s announcement that Victoria has signed up to the intergovernmental agreement (IGA) on implementing the Murray-Darling Basin Plan leaves many questions unanswered, Coalition Basin spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   “While any progress on strategic implementation of the Basin Plan is welcome, the signing of just one state in a piecemeal step risks the…
