Albanese government must explain why additional cyber assistance for Ukraine is not required

Joint media release: Senator James Paterson, Shadow Minister for Home Affairs and Shadow Minister for Cyber Security   The Albanese government must explain why it has rejected official requests from Ukraine for cyber assistance to help the nation defend against malicious Russian cyber attacks and information operations. Ukrainian and Australian officials have acknowledged that Ukraine…


No need to hesitate about NATO

The Opposition welcomes Prime Minister Albanese’s delayed acceptance to attend the NATO Leaders’ Summit in July.   In what should have been an obvious and swift yes to the invitation the Prime Minister finally has acknowledged the importance of this event and agreed to make time for it.   As one of the AP4 to…


Op Ed – Nuance is difficult in modern politics

Nuance is difficult in modern politics. Media prefer black or white, without the shades of grey. Many politicians play into that approach, while some activist voters increasingly seek out media where their opinions are largely shouted back at them, reinforcing rather than challenging any of their assessments or opinions. Yet nuance is where I find…


Targeted sanctions welcomed but a slow response

Joint media release: Senator Claire Chandler, Assistant Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs   20 March 2023 The Coalition welcomes the targeted sanctions and travel bans imposed by the Australian Government today on numerous individuals and entities responsible for the abhorrent human rights abuses in Iran.   This slow response is disappointing with further sanctions on…


Statement on AUKUS

Joint statement: The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Leader of the Opposition The Hon Andrew Hastie MP, Shadow Minister for Defence Tuesday 14 March 2023 The Coalition welcomes the Government’s announcement of the next step in the AUKUS partnership established by the Coalition Government in 2021.   The concept of AUKUS was first conceived by Prime…


Invasion of Ukraine one year on

Joint media release: The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Leader of the Opposition The Hon Andrew Hastie MP, Shadow Minister for Defence 24 February 2023   One year ago today Russia launched an immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine. This anniversary of Russia’s reprehensible invasion will be a difficult day for Ukrainians. We share their grief,…


Stronger action needed to support the people of Iran

Joint media release: The Hon Karen Andrews MP, Shadow Minister for Home Affairs & Shadow Minister for Child Protection and the Prevention of Family Violence Senator James Paterson, Shadow Minister for Cyber Security & Shadow Minister for Countering Foreign Interference   Media Release   The Coalition welcomes recommendations released today by the Senate Foreign Affairs…


Statement on Dr Yang Jun

Today marks four years since Dr Yang Hengjun (Dr Yang Jun) was detained in China. While reports have noted that Dr Yang was allowed a consular visit, the Opposition remains deeply concerned for Dr Yang’s welfare as well as his limitations on access to legal representation. The uncertainty and continual delays to Dr Yang’s case…
