Interview on ABC News, Afternoon Briefing, with Patricia Karvelas

Topics: Reopening Australia’s domestic borders; trans-Tasman travel bubble with New Zealand; Virgin airlines; Black Lives Matter protests in Australia 10 June 2020     Patricia Karvelas:  Simon Birmingham is the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, in fact all of the issues the Prime Minister was talking about there, and he joins us now. Minister, welcome.…

Interview on Radio National, Breakfast with Fran Kelly

Transcript, E&OE Topics: China-Australia relationship, Australian barley and beef bans, Black Lives Matter protests. 08 June 2020   Fran Kelly: Simon Birmingham is the Trade and Tourism Minister. Minister, welcome back to Breakfast. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Fran. Good to be with you. Fran Kelly: The Chinese Government advice, warning of a significant increase in racist attacks — you…

Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Mornings with David Bevan

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Renovation and Building Grant; Stimulating Jobs in the Construction Sector; International Travel Restrictions; Possibility of Travel to New Zealand. 05 June 2020   David Bevan: Good morning, Minister Birmingham. Simon Birmingham: Good morning David, and the listeners on this wonderful blue skied, sunny Friday in Adelaide, ahead of a long weekend. David Bevan: Now, can…

Interview on Channel 9, Today Show with Karl Stefanovic

Transcript, E&OE Topics: JobMaker plan; State border restrictions; Trans-Tasman bubble. 26 May 2020     Karl Stefanovic: Prime Minister Scott Morrison will today unveil his five-year JobMaker plan to coronavirus recovery, designed to boost skills and training and claw the country back from pandemic induced pain. Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham joins us now from Adelaide. Simon,…

Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Mornings, with David Bevan

Transcript, E&OE Topics: quarantine in the UK; China-Australia Free Trade Agreement; Australian Taxation Office 22 May 2020   David Bevan: Senator Simon Birmingham, good morning. Simon Birmingham: Good morning David. David Bevan: Now, before we get on to China and JobKeeper and borders and all sorts of things, there’s a report in The Sydney Morning Herald today: Australia seeks exemption…