Doorstop – Parliament House, ACT

Doorstop, Australian Parliament House, Canberra ACT Topics: Budget 2022; 28/03/2022 7:55AM AEST Simon Birmingham:  These are very uncertain times we face. Around the world, the challenge of continued aftershocks of COVID-19, global inflationary pressures and the war that Russia is waging on Ukraine are having real impacts on global economies and creating genuine uncertainty, particularly…

ABC Radio – AM

Sabra Lane: Simon Birmingham is the Finance Minister and the leader of the government in the Senate. He joins me in Parliament House. Good morning and welcome to AM.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Sabra. Great to be with you again.   Sabra Lane: It’s being reported this morning that the Government will deliver a…

5AA – Breakfast

Will Goodings: .We’re joined by South Australian Senator Simon Birmingham. Birmo, good morning to you.   Simon Birmingham: Hey, guys, good to be with you. Albeit I might have wished to be with you under slightly different circumstances.   David Penberthy: Can I say though, Birmo we really do appreciate you coming in, particularly being…

ABC – Insiders

David Speers: Simon Birmingham, welcome to the program.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, David, good to be with you.   David Speers: So why did the Liberals lose so badly after just one term in office?   Simon Birmingham: David I think there’s always when an election is lost, there are a number of factors at…