Sky News Live – First Edition

Topics: Chinese military exercises around Taiwan; PNG landslide disaster; Labor’s detainee debacle; Minister Giles failing;  07:48AM AEST 28 May 2024     Pete Stefanovic: Foreign Minister Penny Wong is expected to directly address the strategic challenge being posed by China’s naval aggression at a Defending Australia Summit today in Canberra. Senator Wong believes China’s naval…

ABC News – Afternoon Briefing

Topics:  Antisemitic phrases; Senate motion; PMO’s secret manual to avoid answering questions; New Caledonia riots;  4:20PM AEST 16 May 2024   Matt Doran:  The Shadow Foreign Minister, Simon Birmingham, joined us earlier. Simon Birmingham, welcome back to Afternoon Briefing. Your motion earlier today was that specifically targeting Fatima Payman?   Simon Birmingham: It was certainly…

ABC Radio – RN Drive

Topics:  Antisemitic phrases; Senate motion;   4:05PM AEST 16 May 2024     Andy Park:  Senator Simon Birmingham, the Opposition spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, moved the motion and he joins me now. Welcome to you, Senator.   Simon Birmingham: Good afternoon, Andy, good to be with you again.   Andy Park: You’ve accused the Senator of…

Doorstop – Adelaide, SA

Topics:  Israel – UN vote 12:30PM ACST 11 May 2024   Senator Birmingham: Thanks everybody and thanks very much for coming along. Overnight, despite weeks of emphatic denials from the Prime Minister, the Albanese Government changed position in relation to Australia’s stance on Israel and a future Palestinian state. The Government back flipped in relation…