Doorstop, Norwood – Government program fraud risks, polls, Murray-Darling Basin reform

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM:  The Labor Government is now throwing good taxpayer money after bad. It’s learnt nothing from the home insulation debacle. It’s now at a situation where they’re letting the same people involved in the home insulation debacle run solar programs, run set top box programs. This is a case of utter madness. You have the Government that…

Melbourne Talk Radio (MTR1377) – Home Insulation Safety Plan reports, carbon tax

  LUKE GRANT:  Simon Birmingham is a Senator from South Australia. He’s also the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment and he joins me on the line. Evening, Senator.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good evening, Luke. Good evening, listeners.   LUKE GRANT: Appreciate your time very much indeed. A lot coming out of this today but clearly the wastage is one issue…