AM Agenda, Sky News Australia – Budget, Labor’s mining tax, Afghanistan

  KIERAN GILBERT: With me now, Liberal frontbencher Senator Simon Birmingham and Labor MP Andrew Leigh. Gentlemen, good morning to you both.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Morning, Kieran, Andrew.   …   KIERAN GILBERT: Andrew, the Access Economics [Deloitte Access Economics] report… you’re an economist, I want to get your thoughts on this straight away… the Deloitte…

News Hour, FIVEaa – National Broadband Network, Labor waste, Labor debt and deficit, Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, taxpayer funded advertising

  ANDREW REIMER: You heard just a moment ago, on the News Hour, that construction work is about to begin on the infrastructure for the next stage of the rollout of the high speed National Broadband Network. The company undertaking the work for the Federal Government, NBN Co, released a 12-month plan today listing the…