Interview – RN Drive – Patricia Karvelas

Subject: (SA Shipbuilding; Geelong and Ballarat Manufacturing; Marriage Equality) E&OE… PATRICIA KARVELAS: Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Simon Birmingham, joins us now. Good evening Senator.    SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good evening Patricia, great to be with you. PATRICIA KARVELAS: Minister, this week the Prime Minister was in Adelaide announcing $40 billion worth of work to…

Interview – Sky News – First Edition – Kieran Gilbert

Subject: (International Education; Emissions Trading Schemes) E&OE… KIERAN GILBERT: We’re live to Beijing now and the Assistant Education Minister, Simon Birmingham, joins me. Minister, thanks for your time, you’ve met with some senior members of the Chinese administration, what’s the mood like given the volatility on their market? SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning Kieran, there is…

Interview – Sky News – Monday Politics – Kristina Keneally

Subject: (Greek Economy; Education Funding; Marriage Equality) E&OE… KRISTINA KENEALLY: Tonight we’re joined by Liberal Senator, Simon Birmingham. Of course, he is the Assistant Minister for Education and Training, he joins us out of Canberra, Senator Birmingham, thank you for being on Monday Politics.  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good evening Kristina, great to be with you and…