Press conference, Melbourne

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Press conference, Melbourne Topics: Higher education admissions transparency; Higher education reform; The Racial Discrimination Act. 16/11/2016 09:05AM Simon Birmingham: Today I'm very pleased to be releasing the report of the Higher Education Standards Panel into university admissions practices. This is a valuable report which shows that we need to improve the transparency and…

Press conference, Adelaide

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Press conference, Adelaide Topics: Early learning languages app; Keeping our borders secure; SA nuclear fuel cycle involvement. 14/11/2016 10:30 AM Nicolle Flint, Member for Boothby: Good morning, it’s an absolute pleasure to have the Minister for Education here with me today at the Waite Campus Childrens Centre. We’ve just been looking at the…

Interview on 891 ABC Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on 891 ABC Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan Topics: Racial Discrimination Act; Strong borders and the Migration Act; Superannuation reform; North East Vocational College and alternative apprenticeship pilots 09/11/2016 08:34 AM Matthew Abraham: Now as we wait for Senator Nick Xenophon, Senator Penny Wong is in place and Senator…

Press Conference, Canberra

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Press Conference, Canberra Topics: Opening of CTLab 7/11/2016 Simon Birmingham: … the ANU playing a leading role, collaborating with other research institutions, working with industry, and developing, ultimately, solutions to problems that don’t just confront Australia, but are global problems when it comes to management of carbon emissions. So what we see here…

Doorstop interview, Wodonga

Simon Birmingham: It’s a real pleasure to be here today in Wodonga with Cathy McGowan, discussing everything across the Education and Training portfolio from the earliest years of child care and early learning, through schooling, through TAFEs, through universities, through community colleges, getting that full appreciation of the importance of education and training to, in…

Interview on 891 ABC Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on 891 ABC Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan Topics: National Firearms Agreement; Changes to pension eligibility  19/10/2016 08:39 AM Matthew Abraham: It’s Super Wednesday time, let’s crank it up with Liberal Senator for South Australia, Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham. Welcome Senator. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, great to…