Doorstop interview, Adelaide

Subjects: Labor’s campaign launch; climate policy; multinational tax avoidance; proposed drilling in the Great Australian Bight. EO&E………………………………………………………… SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Today Bill Shorten gave a 50 minute long speech at Labor’s campaign launch, but provided no detail of the costs of his policies, costs of his higher taxes, and the cost burden that would be worn…

Interview on Today Show with Deb Knight

Subjects: Campaining; candidate resignations EO&E………………………………………………………… DEB KNIGHT: The tight race for the campaign turns nasty. SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning Deb… DEB KNIGHT: Albo these are going to far though when police have to be called in? ANTHONY ALBANESE: Well there’s a question here Deb over whether the police have in fact been called in over…

Doorstop interview, Cairns

Subjects: Tourism announcement EO&E………………………………………………………… WARREN ENTSCH: Thanks very much for being here today, it’s a very, very important day for tourism. I welcome our Minister here, Simon Birmingham, our tourism Minister here, it is great to have our Douglas Shire Mayor, Julia Leu, Wendy’s here, Wendy Morris, is here of course is the Chair of…

Interview on ABC AM with Sabra Lane

Subjects: Cambodia; Border Protection; Carbon Modelling; Bill Shorten; Candidates.   EO&E………………………………………………………… SABRA LANE: On our lead story about Cambodia, Australia spent $55 million settling three asylum seekers in Cambodia, one of them says they were tricked by the Government. Does it make the whole policy look wasteful? SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Sabra my understanding is this was a voluntary…

Interview on ABC Afternoon Briefing with Patricia Karvelas

Subjects: Candidates, Tim Wilson, Gender Equality, Labor Party, Bill Shorten, Childcare EO&E………………………………………………………… PATRICIA KARVELAS: I want to bring in my first guest this afternoon, Government front bencher and Liberal campaign spokesman, Simon Birmingham. Simon Birmingham. Welcome.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: G’day, Patricia.   PATRICIA KARVELAS: This Liberal candidate, Peter Killin, who is running in the seat of…

Interview on Sky News with Chris Kenny

Subjects: Preferences; Climate policy   EO&E………………………………………………………… CHRIS KENNY: Senator Simon Birmingham he joins me now. Thanks for joining us Simon. Pretty messy day when you have to scratch a candidate this fellow by the name of Jeremy Hearn posting intolerant and horrible things against Muslim Australians. SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Well Chris there’s no doubt that those…

Interview on FIVEaa with David Penberthy and Will Goodings

Subjects: Murray-Darling Basin Plan; Preferences EO&E………………………………………………………… DAVID PENBERTHY: 20 minutes after seven, breaking news yesterday on FIVEaa Breakfast, detailed the pickle that the South Australian Liberal Party find themselves in, with their Federal counterparts, striking up a deal with Clive Palmer for a preference exchange, even as, Clive Palmer is running ads interstate on radio…

Interview on Sky News with Kieran Gilbert and Laura Jayes

Subjects:Steve Dickson; Preferences; Child care wages EO&E………………………………………………………… GILBERT: Government spokesman, Simon Birmingham, thanks very much for your time. Minister let’s start with this reaction from Pauline Hanson, the fact that Dickson has resigned, what are your thoughts on that, particularly at a time when  the Deputy Prime Minister is out there saying that you know…