Interview on ABC North and West SA, Late Afternoons, with Narelle Graham

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Domestic tourism; trans-Tasman bubble; Australia-UK free trade agreement. 17 June 2020   Narelle Graham: Simon Birmingham, the Federal Liberal Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, South Australian Senator and a senior member of the Liberal Party, is somewhat of a regular on this program and we appreciate him taking the time to be…

National Press Club Q&A

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Economic impacts of COVID-19 in Australia; International and domestic tourism; Australian trade relationships. 17 June 2020     Sabra Lane: Minister, if I could just pick up on the last points about tourism? Beyond the Australian-New Zealand travel bubble that’s being planned, when can you see a time that the borders might be…

Doorstop Interview

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Captain Cook statue defaced by protesters, Australian facing death penalty in China, 14 June 2020 Journalist: A statue of Captain Cook has been defaced in Hyde Park in Sydney overnight. Your reaction to that? Simon Birmingham: Look, I condemn any type of vandalism. In the end we should learn from our history, not seek…

Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide Breakfast with David Bevan

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Australia-China relations, protests, JobSeeker, JobKeeper, Naval submarine program 12 June 2020   David Bevan: They will also be the numbers you’ll need to ring or text on if you’d like to speak directly to Senator Simon Birmingham, Minister for Trade and Tourism and Investment – South Australia’s most senior Liberal. Good morning, Senator…

Interview on ABC News, Afternoon Briefing, with Patricia Karvelas

Topics: Reopening Australia’s domestic borders; trans-Tasman travel bubble with New Zealand; Virgin airlines; Black Lives Matter protests in Australia 10 June 2020     Patricia Karvelas:  Simon Birmingham is the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, in fact all of the issues the Prime Minister was talking about there, and he joins us now. Minister, welcome.…