ABC Radio – RN Breakfast

Topic:  Shangri-La Dialogue; Government to find additional Defence savings; Australia-China relationship; Chinese military exercises around Taiwan; Australian military reputation; 08:05AM AEST Friday, 2 June 2023   Hamish MacDonald: This is RN Breakfast This evening. The Prime Minister will deliver perhaps his biggest foreign policy speech to date. Anthony Albanese will present the keynote address at…

ABC Radio – RN Breakfast

Topic:  Prime Minister Modi visit to Australia; Australia-India relationship; Voice to Parliament; Revoking military honours; 7:35AM AEST Wednesday, 24 May 2023   Patricia Karvelas: Now, India is the biggest country in the world, and Australia has been working to tap into its growing resources through trade, education and defence. I suppose the rock star welcome…

ABC – Insiders

Topic:  Australia-US climate compact; Quad; PM invitation to China; Trade sanctions; Australians detained in China; JobSeeker; PRRT; 12 months on from federal election; Coalition policy; Voice to Parliament; Fadden by-election;   09:15AM AEST Sunday, 21 May 2023   David Speers: Simon Birmingham, welcome to the program.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, David. Great to be…