Capital Hill, ABC News 24 – Kevin Baker; the Coalition’s commitment to paid parental leave; costings

  LYNDAL CURTIS: Now to our panel and today we’re joined by Labor Senator Lisa Singh and Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham. Welcome to you both.   LISA SINGH: Hi, Lyndal.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good afternoon, Lyndal. Hello, Lisa.   LYNDAL CURTIS: Simon, if I could start with you, quickly, because the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott,…

AM Agenda, Sky News – Kevin Baker; the Coalition’s commitment to paid parental leave; costings; election debates

  KIERAN GILBERT: Joining me now from Brisbane, Liberal frontbencher Senator Simon Birmingham. Senator Birmingham, thanks for your time. A lot to discuss this Tuesday morning… I want to start with the… one of the things that Brendan O’Connor referred to… it’s in The Daily Telegraph newspaper about a Liberal candidate’s off-colour website. He’s the…

Drive, 720 ABC Perth – The Coalition’s Swan-Canning River Recovery Programme

  RUSSELL WOOLF: Senator Simon Birmingham is the Liberal Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment and joins us on Drive very shortly. The Swan and Canning Rivers were on the election agenda today and Senator Birmingham, the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment, was in Perth to announce the Coalition’s commitment to improve our Swan…

AM Agenda, Sky News – Interest rates; Kevin Rudd’s border protection failures; Kevin Rudd’s FBT hit on cars

  KIERAN GILBERT: Joining me now from Brisbane, Liberal frontbencher Senator Simon Birmingham and, in Adelaide, Labor frontbencher Amanda Rishworth. Amanda Rishworth, first to you on this likely rate cut later today. It is going to take the rates… official cash rate to well below what was previously described as emergency levels by the Gillard/Rudd…

AM Agenda, Sky News – Kevin Rudd’s border protection failures; Labor’s soap opera; federal election

  KIERAN GILBERT: … joining me now from Adelaide, Liberal frontbencher Senator Simon Birmingham and, in the Sky News Centre, Labor MP Michelle Rowland. Michelle Rowland, you heard a bit of the criticism there from Christopher Pyne. He says this deal is not worth the paper it’s written on, essentially; that women and children will…