2CC – Federal Budget

  MARK PARTON: Let’s go to Simon Birmingham, Senator for South Australia, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Murray-Darling Basin and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning, Mark, and good morning to your listeners.   MARK PARTON: Was there an honesty from Wayne Swan last night? I mean, aside from all…

AM Agenda, Sky News – Federal Budget; the Government’s failed border protection policies

KIERAN GILBERT: … let’s go to our panel this morning, the Minister for Home Affairs, Justice and Customs, Jason Clare, and Liberal frontbencher, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Water [Murray-Darling Basin], Environment, Senator Simon Birmingham. Gentlemen, good to see you.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Morning, Kieran.   …   KIERAN GILBERT: Senator Birmingham, there isn’t bipartisan support…

State of Play, 5RTI – Same-sex marriage; school funding; Murray-Darling Basin reform; whaling

  MICHAEL DONATO: On the phone with us now is our special guest, Liberal Senator for South Australia Simon Birmingham. Simon is the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment and the Murray-Darling Basin. Welcome to the program.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good evening. Good to be with you.   MICHAEL DONATO: Now, marriage equality or gay…

891 ABC Adelaide – Auditor-General’s report on Adelaide Desalination Plant funding; Murray-Darling Basin reform.

  MICHAEL SMYTH: … first to this report out today into Adelaide’s operational, controversial but soon-to-be-mothballed desal plant – the federal Auditor-General critical of the decision to double the size of the plant and also the way that some of the funding was signed off. The report was initiated by Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham who…

Doorstop interview, North Adelaide – Auditor-General’s report on Adelaide Desalination Plant funding

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: This report from the Auditor-General is a damning indictment of the Commonwealth funding decisions into the Adelaide Desalination Plant. $328 million of taxpayers’ money was spent in a process that demonstrates Labor spends first and thinks later when it comes to its funding commitments – $328 million of taxpayers’ money spent, the…