AM Agenda, Sky News – Japanese whaling; Labor’s soap opera; MP entitlements; Kevin Rudd’s failed border protection policies

  KIERAN GILBERT: With me on the program now for the rest of the day’s issues, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister Ed Husic and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham. Gentlemen, before we start our discussion I want to play you a little of the closing arguments made by the Attorney-General, Mark…

Doorstop interview, Parliament House, Canberra – Julia Gillard’s carbon tax; Gary Humphries; Labor’s soap opera

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Today in the House of Representatives the Coalition will move to stop Labor from increasing the carbon tax next year. Labor currently plans to increase its carbon tax by 5 per cent next [financial] year and to increase it again in 2014. They further plan to include Australia’s trucking industry in the…