Interview on FIVEaa, Breakfast with David Penberthy and Will Goodings   

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on FIVEaa, Breakfast with David Penberthy and Will Goodings    Topics:  Release of Gonski 2.0 report 30/04/2018 08:11AM   David Penberthy:         Federal Education Minister Senator Simon Birmingham joins us. Senator, good morning to you.     Simon Birmingham:     Good morning Will, good morning Penbo.   David Penberthy:         Now, Birmo, this is a pretty…

Interview on 3AW Mornings with Neil Mitchell

  E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on 3AW Mornings with Neil Mitchell    Topics: Release of Gonski 2.0 report 30/04/2018 08:52am   Neil Mitchell:                On the line is the Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham, good morning.   Simon Birmingham:     Good morning, Neil.   Neil Mitchell:                Do you think teachers being social engineers has harmed their standing?…

Interview on ABC News Breakfast with Michael Rowland and Virginia Trioli

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC News Breakfast with Michael Rowland and Virginia Trioli Topics: Release of Gonski 2.0 report 30/04/2018 07:33AM   Michael Rowland:        Let’s go straight back to our top story this morning, those wide-ranging changes to education recommended in the latest Gonski report. For more, let’s speak now to the Federal Education Minister,…

Doorstop interview, Alice Springs

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Alice Springs Topics: Connected Beginnings program; Community Child Care Fund; School attendance; Bilingual education; Domestic air routes; Next Federal election; Police numbers 24/04/2018 10:15AM   Simon Birmingham:     Well thanks so much for coming along today. We’re thrilled to be here at the Braitling Primary School in Alice Springs. First and foremost…

Interview on ABC News National Wrap with Patricia Karvelas

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC News, National Wrap with Patricia Karvelas    Topics: Financial Services Royal Commission; Literacy and numeracy test for teachers; David Gonski’s Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools; NAPLAN overhaul; International students; Newspoll 22/04/2018 09:03PM   Patricia Karvelas:         I’m joined now by Education Minister Simon Birmingham. Welcome to National Wrap, Minister.…