Salt and Pepper, JOY 94.9 – Same-sex marriage; pre-selection.

  PETE DILLON: Simon Birmingham is a federal Liberal Senator for South Australia. He’s been in the news, particularly for the LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] community, after the recent pre-selection for the South Australian Senate and was elected behind controversial Senator Cory Bernardi, the former [Shadow] Parliamentary Secretary to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.…

Capital Hill, ABC News 24 – Anti-discrimination; GST, tax reform; Murray-Darling Basin reform

  LYNDAL CURTIS: The Federal Government has released draft legislation [Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 Exposure Draft] to consolidate Australia’s discrimination laws. The changes are designed to provide more protection and a simpler regime, although the Opposition worries about shifting the burden of proof onto the respondent and some elements of the consolidation. Both…