Doorstop, Adelaide SA

Topics: Nicolle Flint 27/02/2021 01:45AM Simon Birmingham: Thank you for coming today, I want to say a few words about my colleague, the Member for Boothby, Nicolle Flint. Nicolle has announced her intention to not recontest the next election. And Nicolle’s decision is one that we respect and understand. It’s a personal decision by her,…

Interview on Sky News Live, AM Agenda with Laura Jayes

Topics: Qantas; International travel; Airline support; JobKeeper & JobSeeker; University research; International students; Parliament workplace practices 26/02/2021 08:45AM Laura Jayes: Qantas will consider bargain airfares to help stimulate travel after the pandemic dealt a billion dollar blow to the company’s balance sheet, the nation’s carrier half year results confirm lockdowns and border closures have had…

Interview on Ticker News with Adrian Franklin

Topics: Australia-China relationship; Australia’s financial position; US-Australia relationship; Defence Minister Linda Reynolds 25/02/2021 08:05AM Adrian Franklin: It’s a real pleasure to welcome the Minister for Finance and Senator for South Australia, Simon Birmingham. Welcome to Ticker News. How are you today?   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Adrian. I’m great. It’s great to be with you. Thanks…