Doorstop interview, Parliament House – Basin reform consultation, Mining tax, Electorate office light globes

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Today the Murray-Darling Basin Association [Authority] goes to Narrabri. Tomorrow they go to Moree and St George. The Coalition would like to make an offer. We want to offer Tony Burke a pair, so that he can attend one of these community consultation sessions about this important reform process. This process is too…

Doorstop interview, Parliament House – Murray-Darling Basin reform, Afghanistan, Adelaide Hills immigration detention centre announcement

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: For 12 days now Tony Burke has been the missing man of the Murray-Darling. Today we learn that he’s finally, tonight, going to meet with some irrigator and industry groups. We’ve got to ask the question, where has he been for these 12 days? Why hasn’t he been out there talking to the communities…

ABC NewsRadio – Basin reform consultation, Government’s announcement of a parliamentary inquiry

  MARIUS BENSON: Simon Birmingham, has the Government done the right thing by announcing this Parliamentary committee to be headed by Tony Windsor to look at the human impact of cuts in water supplies in the basin to residents in the Basin?   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Well any type of Parliamentary oversight involvement is always welcome,…

PM Agenda, Sky News Australia – Basin reform consultation, new parliamentary inquiry

  DAVID SPEERS: As we mentioned earlier, the Government is, well, starting to react to the growing anger from farmers and local regional communities to the Guide to the first draft of the Murray-Darling Plan. Simon Crean, the Minister for Regional Australia, says he understands those concerns, particularly for those who think that the impact on…

Doorstop interview, The Domain, Sydney – Basin Plan Guide consultation, Government advertising

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Tony Burke has become the missing man of Murray-Darling Basin reform. He’s not showing up to communities to engage in the consultation process. In stead, he’s leaving it to public servants to front angry and aggrieved people whose futures are on the line.   Equally, Tony Burke and the Labor Government now appear to…

The Country Hour, ABC Radio – Guide to the proposed Basin Plan

  MARY GOODE: … The Coalition is also worried about the effects in rural Australia. Its spokesperson on the Murray-Darling Basin is Senator Simon Birmingham.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Look, we want to work with Government, communities, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, everybody to ensure that we get win-win outcomes and a win-win outcome is a sustainable river with…

ABC News Breakfast, ABC2 – Response to the Guide to the proposed Basin Plan

  WALEED ALY: The Murray-Darling Basin Authority announced on Friday that it wants to cut overall water allocations along the river by between 27 to 37 per cent. But the Opposition says the Plan will destroy some regional communities that rely on irrigated agriculture. Senator Simon Birmingham is the Opposition’s spokesman for the Murray-Darling and he…