ABC News – Insiders

Topics: Israel-Hamas conflict; Illegal boat arrivals; Migration legislation; Yusuf Zahab;      08:45AM AEDT 07 April 2024   David Speers: Simon Birmingham, welcome to the program.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, David. Good to be with you.   David Speers: So, you called for a full and thorough investigation. You said the findings should be made transparent.…

ABC News – Afternoon Briefing

Topics: Death of Australian aid worker in Gaza; International Democracy Union (IDU) Forum 2024, Asia-Pacific  4:06PM AEDT 4 April 2024   Greg Jennett: Peter Dutton and his Shadow Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham find themselves in the New Zealand Capital today. They’re there to talk to like-minded leaders of democratic countries. Simon Birmingham joined us from…

Sky News Live – NewsDay

Topics: Death of Australian aid worker in Gaza; International Democracy Union (IDU) Forum 2024, Asia-Pacific  11:19AM AEDT 4 April 2024   Kieran Gilbert: Let’s get some reaction now from the Coalition. Joining me live from Wellington, New Zealand, is the Shadow Foreign Minister, Simon Birmingham. You’re there for a democratic union conference. I’ll get to…

ABC Radio – RN Breakfast

Topics: Labor’s migration bill blunder;   07:45AM AEDT 28 March 2024     Patricia Karvelas: The government’s controversial migration bill that could jail asylum seekers who refuse to cooperate with moves to deport them, was rejected by the Senate on the last sitting day before the budget. The Coalition and the Greens voted for the legislation…

Doorstop – Parliament House, ACT

Topics: UK & US cyber-attacks; Cyber laws; Labor’s fuel efficiency U-turn; Julian Assange; Religious Discrimination Bill; Supermarkets; 07:55AM AEDT 26 March 2024   Simon Birmingham: Overnight, we’ve seen both UK and US authorities make statements in relation to cyber-attacks that have been seen in their countries. In particular, we’ve seen attribution to Chinese entities of…

Sky News Live – AM Agenda

Topics: AUKUS announcement; Chinese Foreign Minister visit to Australia; Paul Keating meeting; Ambassador Rudd;   09:45AM AEDT 22 March 2024   Laura Jayes: Australia will send billions of dollars to the United Kingdom to help build these nuclear reactors, to power our fleet of AUKUS submarines. Joining me now is Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon…

ABC Radio – RN Breakfast

Topics: Chinese Foreign Minister visit to Australia; Religious discrimination legislation; Liberal Party;  07:45AM AEDT 20 March 2024   Patricia Karvelas:  China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet with Penny Wong today, marking Beijing’s most high profile visit to Australia since relations between the two nations broke down in 2017. There are strong signals from China.…