Doorstop interview, Perth

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Perth Topics: Delivering real Gonski needs-based schools funding; Same sex marriage 27/06/2017 09:30AM Simon Birmingham: Thanks, and thanks so much all for coming along. I’m here in Perth today to highlight how the Turnbull Government’s implementation of needs based funding for schools benefits schools right across Australia, but none more so…

Doorstop interview, Canberra

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Canberra  Topics: Delivering real Gonski needs-based schools funding; Politicians’ pay; Parliamentary winter break 23/06/2017 07:25AM Simon Birmingham: Well it was a late night but it was a great win for Australian school kids and schools around the country, where we’re going to see now needs-based funding apply across Australia in a…

Interview on Sky News with Patricia Karvelas

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on Sky News with Patricia Karvelas  Topics: Delivering real Gonski needs-based schools funding; Victorian judiciary  25/06/2017 07:15PM Patricia Karvelas: Waiting in, from, I believe, Adelaide, is my guest, the Education Minister Simon Birmingham. Simon, welcome.  Simon Birmingham: Good evening, Patricia. Patricia Karvelas: Congratulations on getting this through. You were hoping you would…

Press conference, Canberra

SUBJECTS: Historic education reform; SA state budget E&OE… PRIME MINISTER:  Good morning.  I am here with Simon Birmingham the Education Minister. Last night as you know, we have secured an outstanding result for Australian schools and Australian students and their parents and their teachers.  You know this is the biggest reform in Commonwealth school funding…