Contrarians, Sky News – Kevin Rudd’s border protection failures; the Coalition’s Direct Action policy; Kevin Rudd’s carbon tax con

  PETER VAN ONSELEN: Let’s bring Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham in. He was scheduled to join us on this episode of Contrarians. He joins us now. Welcome to the program.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: G’day, Peter and panel.   PETER VAN ONSELEN: You guys are stuffed, aren’t you?   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Not at all, Peter, and…

Birmingham-Cormann-Zorich-Chapman doorstop interview, City Holden, Adelaide – Labor’s FBT tax hit; Kevin Rudd’s carbon tax con; industry assistance

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Thanks very much for coming along today. It’s a pleasure to be here with my colleague Senator Mathias Cormann, the Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Tom Zorich, the Liberal candidate for Wakefield, and with John Chapman, the chief executive of the Motor Trade Association of South Australia.   We are very concerned at Labor’s…

AM Agenda, Sky News – Japanese whaling; Labor’s soap opera; MP entitlements; Kevin Rudd’s failed border protection policies

  KIERAN GILBERT: With me on the program now for the rest of the day’s issues, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister Ed Husic and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham. Gentlemen, before we start our discussion I want to play you a little of the closing arguments made by the Attorney-General, Mark…