PM Agenda, Sky News – The Coalition’s direct action plan on climate change and the environment; Julia Gillard’s carbon tax; Renewable Energy Target.

  DAVID SPEERS: … as we heard before the break, Climate Change Minister Greg Combet reckons the Coalition’s plans on climate change are all over the shop, pointing to various comments today, particularly about what happens to businesses who are actually pretty happy with the carbon tax – would they be compensated if it is…

AM Agenda, Sky News – Labor leadership, federal election; coal seam gas; Ben Zygier, Bob Carr

  KIERAN GILBERT: Let’s go to our panel now. In Melbourne, Labor Parliamentary Secretary for Trade Kelvin Thomson and in Adelaide, Liberal Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Water [the Murray-Darling Basin] and Environment Senator Simon Birmingham. Gentlemen, good morning.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Morning, Kieran.   KELVIN THOMSON: Good morning, Kieran, Simon.   …   KIERAN GILBERT:…

AM Agenda, Sky News – Climate change; Labor’s Defence cuts; border protection; industrial relations

    DAVID LIPSON: … welcome back to 2013 to our panellists for today, Labor MP Graham Perrett and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary Senator Simon Birmingham. Thank you so much for your time this morning, gentlemen. I want to start first with Barack Obama’s inauguration speech today.   …   DAVID LIPSON: Senator Birmingham, there was…

ABC NewsRadio – Whaling

  LAURA TCHILINGUIRIAN: … the Australian Federal Opposition has written a third letter to the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, about whaling in the Southern Ocean. It wants the Australian Government to send a Customs vessel to monitor any fights between protesters and the Japanese fleet. The Government has consistently said that sending a boat would…