Doorstop Interview, Adelaide

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop Interview, Adelaide Topics: Establishment of an Australian national space agency 25/09/2017 09:40AM Simon Birmingham: Thank you very much for coming today. It’s a real thrill for Adelaide and Australia to be hosting the International Astronautical Congress, and I am particularly thrilled to be here representing the Prime Minister and the Minister for…

Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Breakfast with Ali Clarke and David Bevan

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Breakfast with Ali Clarke and David Bevan Topics: Establishment of a national space agency; Same-sex marriage survey 25/09/2017 08:35AM David Bevan: Simon Birmingham, Federal Education Minister, joins us now. Good morning, Senator Birmingham. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, David. David Bevan: The space agency. Can you explain to us,…

Doorstop interview, Adelaide

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Adelaide Topics: Innovation in universities; Higher education reform; Cory Bernardi comments on Craigburn Primary School fundraiser. 21/09/2017 10:45AM Journalist: Senator, why are we here this morning? Simon Birmingham: Innovation is central to success in our universities, to ensure that, in teaching and learning, new measures help students to learn more, learn…