Interview on Radio National, AM with Sabra Lane.   

Topics: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership; Australian Exporters; Australia-China Trade Relationship; Free Trade Agreements. 16/11/20 07:17AM   Sabra Lane:     Australia signed up to a new trade deal yesterday, and it’s a mouthful: The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. It’ll mean greater access to 14 nations in the Indo-Pacific with uniform trade rules. Australia already has bilateral agreements…

Interview on Channel 7, Sunrise with David Koch and Monique Wright.

Topics: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership; Australia-China Trade Relationship 16/11/20 06:49AM David Koch: We’re joined by Trade Minister Simon Birmingham in Adelaide. Minister, thanks for joining us. Well, I’m trying to figure out how important this is because with all of these countries, we’ve already got free trade deals, don’t we? So are any barriers going…

Interview on Sky News Live, Sharri, with Sharri Markson.    

Topics: Economic relationship with China; Senate media inquiry. 15/11/20 06:02PM   Sharri Markson:           Minister, China’s been increasingly antagonistic with Australia in our trade relationship. Obviously, this is a problem given they’re our largest trading partner. Are you hoping this major deal today will pave the way for a thawing in relations with China and potentially…

Press Conference, Parliament House

TRANSCRIPT Press Conference Topics: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership; 15/11/20 12:49PM   Simon Birmingham:    This afternoon, I look forward to signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement on behalf of Australia, together with the Prime Minister. This is a huge accomplishment, especially for the ASEAN nations. The 10 nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations…

Doorstop at Parliament House.

Topics:  US-Australia alliance; Australia-China trade relationship; Joe Biden’s Clime Change policy 09/11/20 07:32AM   Simon Birmingham:     Can I add my congratulations to President Elect Biden, and Kamala Harris on their historic win. As the father of two young daughters I particularly acknowledge the significance of seeing the first woman to hold the office of…