Interview – FiveAA – Leon Byner

SUBJECTS: VET FEE-HELP E&OE… LEON BYNER: We often talk about training on this program, and we know that whether you’ve got a Liberal or Labor government federally, both governments are pretty keen that you should either be studying or working, unless of course there’s some incapacity from which you suffer. Now, there’s a lot of…


Interview – RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly

Subjects: Reforms to VET FEE-HELP, comments by Communications Minister E&OE… FRAN KELLY: Private training colleges which are rorting HECS style loans are facing a crackdown. Aimed at stopping a range of unscrupulous practices going on, legislation's going to be introduced into the Federal Parliament to ban providers from offering students incentives including laptops, iPads, things…


Interview – Capital Hill – Nick Harmsen

Subject: Australian Automotive Industry E&OE… NICK HARMSEN: Is this announcement another barnacle clearing exercise? SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Not at all, what we have today is good news for South Australia and the Australian automotive industry in two senses. One is that the commitment to withdraw the legislation relating to reductions in funding for the automotive transformation…


Doorstop – Youth Pilot Programmes

Subject: Industry Skills Fund Youth Pilot Programmes E&OE… SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Thankyou for coming along today, this is an important announcement by the government detailing the pilot regions where our youth employment programmes will be run. These programmes are a very important component of our industry skills fund which is about helping to get more people…


Interview – Mornings with Jonathon Kendall

Subject: VET FEE-HELP Reform E&OE… SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Well Jonathon look, I have concerns about elements of that. I’m particularly concerned about some of the reports that you’ve relayed from your listeners about the sign up tactics that are being deployed, the approach of free giveaways, the lack of transparency about the level of debt being…


Interview – Doorstop, Adelaide

Subject: Submarine Procurement E&OE… SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Thanks very much for coming. If Jay Weatherill is serious about maximizing jobs rather than votes, he needs to be investing in helping South Australian businesses to bid and participate in the submarine procurement process rather than wasting taxpayer dollars on advertising. There’s an enormous opportunity for South Australia…
