Sky News Live – AM Agenda

Topic:   Labor putting pressure on the economy; Urgent support needed for Ukraine; 09:20AM AEST Thursday, 8 June, 2023   Laura Jayes:  Let’s go live to Adelaide now. The Shadow Foreign Minister, Simon Birmingham joins us. Simon Birmingham, first of all, I want to talk about the economy at the moment and what Ross just said…


Sky News Live – First Edition

Topic:  RBA interest rate decision; Power prices keep going up; Australians granted clemency in Vietnam; 07:50AM AEST Tuesday 6 June, 2023   Peter Stefanovic:  I want to bring in the Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister, Simon Birmingham. We’ll just keep that conversation going for now. Simon, good to see you. Thanks for your time this morning.…


ABC Radio – RN Breakfast

Topic:  Shangri-La Dialogue; Government to find additional Defence savings; Australia-China relationship; Chinese military exercises around Taiwan; Australian military reputation; 08:05AM AEST Friday, 2 June 2023   Hamish MacDonald: This is RN Breakfast This evening. The Prime Minister will deliver perhaps his biggest foreign policy speech to date. Anthony Albanese will present the keynote address at…


ABC News – Afternoon Briefing

Topic:  Ben Robert-Smith verdict; Australian Embassy in Ukraine; Support for Ukraine; Afghan locally engaged employment program; Socceroos funding;  16:05PM AEST Thursday, 1 June 2023   Greg Jennett: Well, Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham was present through those hearings and many more, I think it’s fair to say, this week. And he’s with us now.…


Sky News Live – AM Agenda

Topic:  UKFTA comes into force; Economic outlook; Coalition; Voice to Parliament;  09:45AM AEST Wednesday, 31 May 2023   Laura Jayes:  Joining me live now is the Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Birmingham, also from Adelaide. I called it a town, but it’s a beautiful city. Who would you be going for if you were…


Sky News Live – Afternoon Agenda

Topic:  Prime Minister Modi visit to Australia; Australia-India relationship; 04:10PM AEST Wednesday, 24 May 2023   Kieran Gilbert: Back to local politics and with me is the Shadow Foreign Minister, Simon Birmingham, Local in a way, but we’re talking about the Indian leader who’s here, and that was quite an extraordinary welcome for him last…


ABC Radio – RN Breakfast

Topic:  Prime Minister Modi visit to Australia; Australia-India relationship; Voice to Parliament; Revoking military honours; 7:35AM AEST Wednesday, 24 May 2023   Patricia Karvelas: Now, India is the biggest country in the world, and Australia has been working to tap into its growing resources through trade, education and defence. I suppose the rock star welcome…


Doorstop – Parliament House, ACT

Topic:  Prime Minister Modi visit to Australia; U.S. – PNG defence agreement; 7:55AM AEST Tuesday, 23 May 2023   Simon Birmingham: It is a really exciting couple of days with the visit of Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi to Australia. [Indistinct] The Coalition government, during our engagement with India, we saw enhanced defence cooperation,…


Sky News Live – First Edition

Topic:  Prime Minister Modi visit to Australia; Prime Minister Albanese visit to China; Australia-China relationship; G7; Australian support for Ukraine; 7:45AM AEST Tuesday, 23 May 2023   Danica De Giorgio: Welcome back to the program. Well India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has landed in Sydney as he begins an official visit. Joining me now live…


ABC – Insiders

Topic:  Australia-US climate compact; Quad; PM invitation to China; Trade sanctions; Australians detained in China; JobSeeker; PRRT; 12 months on from federal election; Coalition policy; Voice to Parliament; Fadden by-election;   09:15AM AEST Sunday, 21 May 2023   David Speers: Simon Birmingham, welcome to the program.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, David. Great to be…
