Doorstop: Griffith University

Question: Fantastic, okay so you just heard from some of the Future Fellows, can you tell me a little bit about their projects and how those specifically can improve the future for everyday people? Simon Birmingham:  Look, the Future Fellows are undertaking research across a wide range of disciplines, but importantly, and most excitingly, their…


Joint Press Conference – Christian Porter

Subject: Jobs for Families E&OE… Simon Birmingham: Good afternoon, and thank you for coming along today. The Government has, consistent with our commitments, introduced to the Parliament today the Jobs for Families child care reforms. These are important reforms to our child care arrangements, and because they will enable is us to implement a new…


Interview – Doorstop

E&OE… Simon Birmingham:…will introduce legislation for a new child care subsidy. And a new child care subsidy of the Turnbull Government will be simpler, fairer and more affordable for Australian families. Our child care arrangements will ensure that those families who work the most hours will receive the most support for hours of subsidised child…


Interview – ABC 774 – Rafael Epstein

Subject: Child care access and affordability  E&OE… Rafael Epstein: So if they moved child care charges to something based on an hourly rate, instead of a daily rate, what would it mean for you? It’d make it cheaper for the Government. They’re moving resources – the Federal Government, under Malcolm Turnbull – trying to shift…
