5AA – Breakfast

Topics: Nuclear waste; Matildas public holiday 0820 ACDT Monday, 14 August 2023   David Penberthy:  Well, middle of last week we brought you the breaking at 8 about the fact that the Federal Government was going to step in and declare that Kimba was no longer the site for a nuclear waste storage facility, amid…


Doorstop – Parliament House, ACT

Topics: Cheng Lei 10.40 AEST 11 August 2023   Journalist:  ….   Simon Birmingham: The words of Cheng Lei are both beautiful in their poignancy yet heartbreaking in the cruelty they expose. This Sunday will be the third anniversary since her detention and yet it is still a secret as to precisely what she was…


Sky News Live – AM Agenda

Topics: Cheng Lei; FTAs; Israel 10.15AM AEST 11 August 2023   Laura Jayes:  Joining me live now is the Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister, Simon Birmingham. He’s here in the studio with me. It’s hard to imagine what 10 hours of sunlight a year does to a person. Are you confident Senator that everything that can…


ABC News – Afternoon Briefing

Topics:  Nuclear waste; PM’s US visit; The Voice; community pharmacies 04:20PM AEST Thursday, 10 August 2023     Greg Jennett:  Well, the long search for a permanent national waste dump for low and intermediate grade nuclear waste starts all over again from today. The Government’s officially abandoned any further work on the proposed Kimba site,…


Sky News Live – Afternoon Agenda

Topics: Nuclear waste; Israel    04:10PM AEST Thursday, 10 August 2023   Tom Connell: Well, the Government has scrapped plans for a radioactive waste site in Kimba in South Australia. It was after a court ruling. Questions now as to where radioactive waste will be stored in Australia in the future, once Lucas Heights has…


ABC News – News Breakfast

Topic:  Israel, Voice 07:50AM AEST Wednesday, 9 August 2023     Michael Rowland:  Back to politics now with the Federal Government is set to strengthen its objection to Israeli settlements in the West Bank, the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel, in a move which has prompted questions from the Opposition. The Government has decided now…


Sky News Live – First Edition

Topics: Australia’s International Development Policy; PM meeting with Xi Jinping; wine 07:50AM AEST 08 August 2023     Peter Stefanovic:  Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has flagged a potential meeting with China’s Xi Jinping next month. It comes as the Government prepares to release its new Overseas Development Policy today which aims to counter Beijing’s Belt…


Sky News Live – AM Agenda

Topics: Voice to Parliament; Trump indictment; Australia-US relationship; Sofronoff inquiry; 09:25AM AEST 4 August 2023   Laura Jayes:  Joining me live now is a Shadow Foreign Minister, Simon Birmingham. Thanks so much for your time. The Voice debate, it’s getting messy, It’s getting more acrimonious, more divisive. Where is this all headed? Simon Birmingham.  …


Sky News Live – First Edition

Topics: Beer tax; RBA rates decision; Housing fund; 07:45AM AEST 1 August 2023   Peter Stefanovic:  Let’s go to Canberra. Joining us, Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham. All feeds into the cost of living, doesn’t it? Simon, good to see you. We’re not smiling over that increase in beer costs, though, but-  Just start…


ABC Radio – 891 Adelaide, Mornings

Topics: Housing fund; JobSeeker 09:45AM ACST 31 July 2023   David Bevan: Welcome Simon Birmingham.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, David. Good to be with you.   David Bevan: Simon Birmingham, lots happening in federal parliament in Canberra this week. Chief among them will be this renewed debate over housing. Now the Government is reintroducing…
