ABC Radio – AM

Sabra Lane: Simon Birmingham is the Finance Minister and the leader of the government in the Senate. He joins me in Parliament House. Good morning and welcome to AM.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Sabra. Great to be with you again.   Sabra Lane: It’s being reported this morning that the Government will deliver a…


Sky News Live – AM Agenda

Topics: Submarine shipyard Osborne; Solomon Islands; New Zealand refugee agreement  23/03/2022 8:50AM ACST Laura Jayes:  The Osborne shipyard will more than triple in size to become what the Government says will be one of the most sophisticated construction bases in the world. The Government will lease 45 hectares of land to do it and it…


ABC Radio – 891 Adelaide, Breakfast

Topics: Submarine shipyard Osborne; SA school term;   23/03/2022 8:40AM ACST Stacey Lee:  Senator Simon Birmingham, good morning to you.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Stacey. Good morning, listeners.   Stacey Lee: Is does this mean the federal government is committed to those subs jobs here in South Australia?   Simon Birmingham: Oh, absolutely. Stacey,…


ABC Radio – 891 Adelaide, Breakfast

Stacey Lee: But for now, cost of living pressures, I’m sure, are top of mind for Senator Simon Birmingham. He’s the Minister for Finance and will be handing down the Budget next week. Good morning, Senator.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Stacey. Good morning Nikolai and listeners.   Stacey Lee: Well, we’ve seen on the…


5AA – Breakfast

Will Goodings: .We’re joined by South Australian Senator Simon Birmingham. Birmo, good morning to you.   Simon Birmingham: Hey, guys, good to be with you. Albeit I might have wished to be with you under slightly different circumstances.   David Penberthy: Can I say though, Birmo we really do appreciate you coming in, particularly being…


ABC – Insiders

David Speers: Simon Birmingham, welcome to the program.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, David, good to be with you.   David Speers: So why did the Liberals lose so badly after just one term in office?   Simon Birmingham: David I think there’s always when an election is lost, there are a number of factors at…


Sky News Live – AM Agenda

Topics: Jobs figures; Cost of living; SA election 18/03/2022 09:25PM AEST   Laura Jayes: Live now is the Finance Minister Simon Birmingham, live from Adelaide. Good to see you, Minister. This is a fun time of year. The budget speculation season is in full swing. I know you’ve got not going to tell us individual…


Sky News Live – Afternoon Agenda

Topics: Jobs figures; Cost of living; Senator Kitching; SA election 17/03/2022 01:45PM ACST   Kieran Gilbert: Let’s go live to the Finance Minister. Simon Birmingham. Appreciate your time as always. Let’s start with the issue of jobs. Incredible number 4 per cent. I guess the flip side of that though Minister is a lot of…


ABC News – Afternoon Briefing

Topics: Jobs data; Ukraine; China; SA election; Budget; Kimberley Kitching 17/03/2022 4:05PM AEDT   Greg Jennett: Simon Birmingham, on some very busy days for the Liberal Party in South Australia, thanks for joining Afternoon Briefing. Why don’t we start with the solid economic news that’s come through today, an unemployment rate hovering around 4 per…


CH 7 – Sunrise

Matt Shirvington:  Finance Minister Simon Birmingham joins us from Adelaide. Good morning to you. Minister, well before that Budget drops, what do you say to families who are struggling to make ends meet at the moment?   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Matt. Thanks for the opportunity. Look, we know that for some Australian families, filling the…
