Doorstop – Parliament House, ACT

Topics: PNG Prime Minister Marape visit to Australia;  08:43AM AEDT 8 February 2024   Simon Birmingham: Australia has in many ways no more unique and special relationship than it with Papua New Guinea, a country where we’ve been intertwined throughout our modern histories and, of course, have ancient histories of engagement as well. This is…


ABC – News Breakfast

Topics: Sentencing of Dr Yang Hengjun; Stage 3 tax cut changes;  07:05 AM AEDT 6 February 2024   Lisa Millar: The suspended death sentence for Australian Doctor Yang Hungjun by a Chinese court has been described by Australia’s foreign minister as harrowing and appalling. The Chinese ambassador was called in to explain the sentence given…


Sky News Live – First Edition

Topics: King Charles cancer diagnosis; Sentencing of Dr Yang Hengjun; Stage 3 tax cut changes;  06:50AM AEDT 6 February 2024   Peter Stefanovic:  Joining us live the Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham. Simon good to see you. Thanks for your time.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Pete.   Peter Stefanovic: Let’s start though, with…


Sky News Live – Afternoon Agenda

Topics: Sentencing of Dr Yang Hengjun;  04:05PM AEDT 5 February 2024   Tom Connell:  Australian writer, Yang Hengjun, has been announced that Chinese authorities have sentenced to a suspended death sentence, which amounts to life in prison. Joining me live is Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham. Your reaction to this?   Simon Birmingham: Well,…


Doorstop – Press Gallery, APH

Topics: Sentencing of Dr Yang Hengjun;  03:50PM AEDT 5 February 2024   Simon Birmingham:  This is deeply distressing news today for Doctor Yang Hengjun, for his family and all of those who care about his rights, liberties and freedoms. I’m sure Australians will be aghast and appalled at the decision of Chinese authorities to level…


6PR – Mornings

Topics: Albanese’s broken tax promise; Funding pause on UNWRA; 09:35AM AWST 29 January 2024   Gary Adshead: Simon Birmingham is here as well. He’s the Shadow Foreign Affairs spokesperson at the moment. Thanks very much for coming in the studio.   Simon Birmingham: G’day, Gary, it’s great to be with you.   Gary Adshead: Hey.…


Sky News Live – NewsDay

Topics: Funding pause on UNWRA; ICJ ruling; Albanese’s broken tax promise;  08:35AM AWST 29 January 2024   Kieran Gilbert: Let’s go live now to the Shadow Foreign Minister, Simon Birmingham. Thanks for your time. Do you welcome the fact that Australia, along with the UK and others, have paused funding now to this agency known…


ABC – Afternoon Briefing

Topics: Albanese’s broken promise; Stage three tax cut changes;  02:10PM AEDT 25 January 2024   Greg Jennett:  Well, Liberal frontbencher and Opposition Senate leader Simon Birmingham was also the finance minister in the days of the Morrison government, so was integral to its original design. Simon Birmingham joins us now from Adelaide. Senator, great to…


ABC Radio – 891 Adelaide, Mornings

Topics: Albanese’s broken promise; Stage three tax cut changes;  09:15AM ACDT 25 January 2024   David Bevan:  Simon Birmingham is the most senior Liberal in South Australia. Senator Birmingham joins us now. Good morning, Simon.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, David and good morning to your listeners.   David Bevan: Simon Birmingham. Well how do…


Sky News Live – News Day

Topics: Albanese’s broken promises; Stage three tax cuts; PMO knowledge of PLA sonar incident; 11:35AM AEDT 24 January 2024   Kieran Gilbert: Welcome back to News Day. Great to have you company. Let’s go live straight to the Opposition Senate Leader Simon Birmingham. It’s been a big day, a big week in politics. The Prime…
