Interview on 2GB Drive with Jim Wilson

Topics: Media bargaining code; Craig Kelly; Vaccine rollout; JobSeeker 22/02/2021 07:55AM Jim Wilson: On the line is the Minister for Finance, Simon Birmingham. Minister, welcome back to Drive.   Simon Birmingham: Hey, Jim, great to be with you as always.   Jim Wilson: Thanks for your time as always. Now we begin with Facebook. It…


Interview on ABC RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly

Topics: Vaccine rollout; Review of Parliament workplaces; Media bargaining code; JobSeeker future 22/02/2021 07:35AM Fran Kelly: Well, the Prime Minister is trumpeting the COVID-19 vaccine as the big game changer for the way we live our lives with the pandemic, despite the major milestone of commencing the vaccine rollout. The government, though, remains engulfed in…


Interview on 2GB Drive with Jim Wilson

Topics: Economic recovery; Victoria lockdown; JobKeeper; JobSeeker; 15/02/2021 05:38AM Jim Wilson: Two point one three million Australians who relied on JobKeeper at the height of the pandemic have now come off the payment. It’s a great sign our economy is recovering and moving in the right direction. But there are still one and a half…
