ABC News 24 – Murray-Darling Basin Plan

  LYNDAL CURTIS: The Opposition so far has been somewhat critical of the Plan and I’ve been joined by one of the Opposition spokesmen, Simon Birmingham. Welcome to News 24.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good afternoon, Lyndal.   LYNDAL CURTIS: Does this Plan meet what’s called the ‘triple bottom line’ of the economic, social and environmental…


891 ABC Adelaide – Murray-Darling Basin Plan

  MATTHEW ABRAHAM: Simon Birmingham, Liberal Senator, and his Parliamentary brief is the Murray-Darling Basin. Simon Birmingham, good morning, Senator.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning, Matthew, David, listeners.   MATTHEW ABRAHAM: You’ve called it… you’ve said we’ve got the ‘double whammy’ here – not enough for the environment and too much from irrigators. I would…


Sky News Australia – Murray-Darling Basin Plan

  DAVID SPEERS: Well, for some Opposition reaction to this [release of the proposed Basin Plan] we’re joined by the Coalition’s Murray-Darling Basin spokesman, Senator Simon Birmingham. Senator, welcome.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Morning, David.   DAVID SPEERS: 2750 gigalitres – is that about right in, your view?   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Well, David, the issue with…


Lunchtime Agenda, Sky News Australia – Julia Gillard’s secret deal with the Greens on the mining tax, Julia Gillard’s mining tax, Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, party room consultation, photo opportunities

  ASHLEIGH GILLON: Joining me this afternoon on our panel of politicians, the Labor MP Amanda Rishworth and the Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham. Good afternoon to both of you.   Amanda, keeping the details of this deal with the Greens [to secure passage of the Government’s Minerals Resource Rent Tax legislation] did seem all very…
