Interview – FiveAA – Leon Byner

Subject: (SA Government Training System) E&OE… LEON BYNER: Simon, how far down the track are we from this? Is there a breached agreement or not? Are you certain that, because you told us when you were in the studio last week that you were going to withhold money until you could get a handle on…


Interview – Sky News – Viewpoint – Chris Kenny

Subject: (Marriage Equality; Removing Citizenship from Dual Nationals Associated with Terrorist Organisations; Adam Goodes ) E&OE… CHRIS KENNY: Let’s cross down to Canberra and catch up with the Assistant Education Minister, Simon Birmingham; thanks for joining us, Simon.  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good evening, Chris; great to be with you. CHRIS KENNY: First up, I want to…


Interview – Doorstop – Adelaide

Subject: (The impacts of the SA Labor Government’s WorkReady training scheme on students, employers and jobs) E&OE… SIMON BIRMINGHAM: I’m really worried that this programme is creating a boom-bust cycle for training in South Australia and removing choice for South Australian students and South Australian employers. Choice that gives them the chance to access the…


Interview – ABC 891 Adelaide – Matthew Abraham and David Bevan

Subject: (South Australian VET) E&OE… MATTHEW ABRAHAM: Simon Birmingham is the Assistant Minister for Education and Training. There’s a fair bit of federal cash floating around for funding TAFE, particularly for competitive options in TAFE which includes the private sector- Simon Birmingham, welcome Senator. SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning Matthew, David and listeners. MATTHEW ABRAHAM: Senator…


Interview – Sky News – AM Agenda – Kieran Gilbert

Subject: (Removal of Citizenship; NATSEM Modelling; Marriage Equality) E&OE… KIERAN GILBERT: Joining me now, the Assistant Education Minister, Senator Simon Birmingham and Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multiculturalism, Michelle Rowland. Michelle, first of all to you on this idea of stripping citizenship off those found to be engaged with terrorist groups, what’s Labor’s position on…


Interview – RN Breakfast – Fran Kelly

Subject: (Submarine contracts; Marriage equality) E&OE… FRAN KELLY: Simon Birmingham is the Assistant Minister for Education and Training, he’s a Senator for South Australia and he’s in our Parliament House studios. Senator Birmingham, welcome back to Breakfast. SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning, Fran, a pleasure to be with you. FRAN KELLY: I want to talk subs…
