Interview on ABC Insiders with Barrie Cassidy

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Insiders with Barrie Cassidy   Topics: Leadership changes; School funding 26/08/2018 09:17AM   Barrie Cassidy:            Simon Birmingham, good morning, welcome.   Simon Birmingham:     Good morning, Barrie.   Barrie Cassidy:            How big a loss would Julie Bishop be?   Simon Birmingham:     Julie Bishop is the most significant woman in the history of…


Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide with Ali Clarke and David Bevan

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide with Ali Clarke and David Bevan Topics: Leadership 22/08/2018 08:36am   David Bevan:    Let’s welcome Simon Birmingham, federal Education Minister, good morning to you.   Simon Birmingham:     Good morning, David.   David Bevan:    Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Senator, good morning to you.   Sarah Hanson-Young:  Good morning. Thanks…


Interview on RN Drive Patricia Karvelas

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on RN Drive Patricia Karvelas Topics: Leadership 21/08/2018 18:06PM Patricia Karvelas: Welcome back to RN Drive. Simon Birmingham: Hello Patricia, good to be with you. Patricia Karvelas: So we’ve seen three of your colleagues resign today. Challenger Peter Dutton this morning, Assistant Minister to the Treasurer Michael Sukkar and Assistant Minister to…


Interview on ABC Radio Melbourne Drive with Rafael Epstein

  E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Radio Melbourne Drive with Rafael Epstein   Topics: Liberal leadership; Company tax cuts; Schools funding 21/08/2018 05:38PM   Rafael Epstein:            The Minister for Education and Training is Simon Birmingham; he is a South Australian Liberal senator. Minister, thanks for joining us.   Simon Birmingham:     G’day, Raf. Good to be with…


Interview on FIVEaa, Breakfast with David Penberthy and Will Goodings

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on FIVEaa, Breakfast with David Penberthy and Will Goodings   Topics: Leadership 20/08/2018 07:35AM   David Penberthy:         Simon Birmingham is the Liberal Senator for South Australia, he’s also the Education Minister and we have him on the line now. Minister good morning, thanks so much for your time.   Simon Birmingham:     Good morning…


Doorstop interview, Canberra

  E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Canberra   Topics: Leadership; National Energy Guarantee 20/08/2018 7:20AM   Question:         Is Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership under threat?   Simon Birmingham:     No, the Government is focussed as we have been for a long-time on helping Australians with their cost of living pressures, in this case particularly driving down their energy costs and…


Doorstop interview, Adelaide

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Adelaide   Topics: Little Scientists program; National Energy Guarantee 17/08/2018 11:00AM   Simon Birmingham:     Thanks so much for coming along today. It’s wonderful to be here at St Thomas School, celebrating success in the Little Scientists program, which is inspiring preschool children right across Australia to become more engaged in science and…


Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide Breakfast with David Bevan and Ali Clarke

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide Breakfast with David Bevan and Ali Clarke   Topics: Fraser Anning; National Energy Guarantee 15/08/2018 08:38AM   David Bevan:                Let’s welcome to our Super Wednesday panel, Federal Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham, Federal Education Minister, good morning to you.   Simon Birmingham:     Good morning.   David Bevan:                Amanda Rishworth, Labor…


Interview on Triple J Hack with Avani Dias

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on Triple J Hack with Avani Dias   Topics: Higher education reform 14/08/2018 5:42PM   Avani Dias:      If you’ve ever been a university student or you’re planning on it, you’ll have to start paying back your debt when you’re earning less. That change passed Parliament just moments ago; the Parliament’s agreed to make…
