Interview on FiveAA Adelaide, Breakfast with David Penberthy and Will Goodings

Topics: Extinction rebellion protest; Climate change; Federal election 12/11/2021 8:35AM ACST Will Goodings:  But first, South Australian Senator Simon Birmingham didn’t wake up this morning to imagine he was appearing on 5AA Breakfast, and it’s not on account of some international situation the federal government is dealing with. It’s because of a local one that…


Interview on 4BC Drive with Scott Emerson

Topics: Future Fuels Fund; EVs; Fuel excise 9/11/2021 4:20PM AEST Scott Emerson: The federal government has today announced the electric vehicle policy it’s taking to the election. $250 million will be poured into the Future Fuels Fund, with most of the money to be spent on $50,000 electric vehicle charging stations. As electric vehicle sales…


Interview on Channel 9, Weekend Today with Charles Croucher

Topics: Booster shoots; National Plan; Election date 7/11/2021 8:40AM Charles Croucher: From tomorrow, booster programs officially begin just days after our country hit 80 per cent vaccination. Joining me for this and to unpack the week of political headlines is Finance Minister Simon Birmingham and Shadow Minister for Education Tanya Plibersek. Good morning to you both. Birmo, we will start with you. It is a…


Interview on 2GB Drive with Jim Wilson

Topic(s):  National Plan; Vaccination rates   Jim Wilson: Minister, welcome back to drive.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Jim. Great to be with you again.   Jim Wilson: Thank you for your time. Another Christmas locked inside their state for West Australians, that’s a lot of money that won’t be moving around our country. You must be terribly…
