Doorstop, Convention Centre Adelaide, SA

Topics: New South Australian federal Liberal candidates; state borders; vaccination rates; Moderna child vaccination approval; WA seat of Moore; preselection of Liberal women; 04/09/2021 11:08AM ACST Simon Birmingham: Thanks very much for being here today. I’m delighted to be here with the growing team that we are building for the next federal election of wonderful Liberal candidates.…


Interview on ABC Brisbane, Drive with Steve Austin

Topics: Queensland quarantine facilities 26/08/2021 03:35PM ACST   Steve Austin: If you’ve been listening to ABC Radio News, you’ll know that the Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, held a press conference in Toowoomba today this morning announcing that Queensland is going to build their own or our own quarantine facility. Now, quarantining is the responsibility of…
