Interview on 2GB, Drive with Mark Levy

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Trade agreement with the UK; domestic and international tourism sectors. 17 June 2020     Mark Levy: Now, I spoke at the start of the show about Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and his question as to why anyone would want to visit South Australia. South Australian Senator Andrew McLachlan, to whom I spoke…


National Press Club Q&A

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Economic impacts of COVID-19 in Australia; International and domestic tourism; Australian trade relationships. 17 June 2020     Sabra Lane: Minister, if I could just pick up on the last points about tourism? Beyond the Australian-New Zealand travel bubble that’s being planned, when can you see a time that the borders might be…


Interview on 4CA AM with John MacKenzie

Transcript, E&OE Topics: domestic tourism industry; interstate border restrictions. 17 June 2020     John MacKenzie: We’ve been talking the last few days about green shoots at long, long last. My God, it’s been a nightmare, hasn’t it? I don’t know communities anywhere in this country suffering more than ours per capita given that we rely…


Doorstop Interview

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Captain Cook statue defaced by protesters, Australian facing death penalty in China, 14 June 2020 Journalist: A statue of Captain Cook has been defaced in Hyde Park in Sydney overnight. Your reaction to that? Simon Birmingham: Look, I condemn any type of vandalism. In the end we should learn from our history, not seek…


Interview on 2GB, Breakfast, with Ben Fordham

Transcript, E&OE Topics: China’s Ministry of Education urging Chinese students to reconsider studying in Australia 10 June 2020     Ben Fordham: Well the Chinese government is ramping up its threats to our economy. First they hit our beef industry with import bans, then they whacked a tariff on our barely. And then they encouraged tourists…
