ABC RN Drive

Topics: Budget 2022     30/03/2022 05:30PM Andy Park:  Simon Birmingham is the Finance Minister. Welcome to the ABC’s Parliament Studios. This cost of living focus there obviously aimed at the next few weeks rather than long term structural change. Are you banking on voters not seeing past this election?   Simon Birmingham: Andy, what we’re doing…


ABC774 – Drive with Raf Epstein

Raf Epstein: One of the key architects of the budget he’s the Finance Minister and Liberal Senator for South Australia. Good afternoon.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Raf. It’s good to be with you again.   Raf Epstein: Thanks for joining us. What’s it like to be a Liberal government that taxes more than Labor ever…


4BC – Drive with Scott Emerson

Scott Emerson: Federal Minister for Finance and the Leader of the Government in the Senate, Simon Birmingham. Minister, good to have you back on 4BC Drive.   Simon Birmingham: Hey Scott, it’s always great to speak with you. Thanks for having me on.   Scott Emerson: Now, I saw the headline in The Australian today,…


SBS with Pablo Vinales

Topics: Budget 2022     30/03/2022 04:50PM Pablo: Minister, firstly thanks so much for speaking with us. You’ve made clear that the cost of living pressures that are going to be alleviated are going to be temporary, they’re going to be targeted – the one off tax offset, the one off payments, the fuel excise. So what…


ABC Statewide SA with Narelle Graham

Topics: Budget 2022     30/03/2022 16:10 PM ACDT Narelle Graham: Simon Birmingham, who is the Federal Finance Minister. He’s in back to back interviews, as you can imagine. Senator, welcome to you.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Narelle. Great to speak with you again.   Narelle Graham: I’ll try not to keep you too long, but so…


ABC Afternoon Briefing

Topics: Budget 2022     30/03/2022 04:05PM  Greg Jennett: All right. Well, he joined us yesterday, and we’re glad to say he’s joining us again, 24 hours later. Finance Minister Simon Birmingham is here in the studio with us, only this time unbound by any requirement, Senator, to keep surprises under wraps. So why don’t we run…


Ticker News with Holly Stearnes

Topics: Budget 2022 Wednesday 30 March 2022   Holly Stearnes: Minister for Finance of Australia Simon Birmingham joins us now. Minister, thank you so much for your time today on Ticker News.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Holly. It’s great to be with you again.   Holly Stearnes: Lovely to have your company. Now, tell us,…


Bloomberg with Paul Allen

Topics: Budget 2022     30/03/2022 09:50AM Paul Allen: I am joined here at Parliament House in Canberra by Simon Birmingham, Finance Minister for Australia. Minister, thank you so much for joining us today. I just want to cut straight to the elephant in the room. There will be an election by May 21. How important is…


Sky News Live AM Agenda

Topics: Budget 2022     30/03/2022 09:35AM  Laura Jayes:  Joining me live now is the Finance Minister, Simon Birmingham. He’s had a very big 48 hours. Thanks so much for your time, Minister, appreciate it. Let’s get one thing out of the way. $3 billion worth of cuts. What is that all about?   Simon Birmingham: Good…
