Interview on 3AW Breakfast with Ross and John

Ross Stevenson: [Indistinct] has made no major gains in literacy and numeracy since 2012, despite the Government push to make Victoria the education state. To me, you can read these NAPLAN figures and construct whatever argument suits your purposes about because if you go through and take out the Australian Capital Territory because it’s not…


Interview on 2GB Drive with Ben Fordham

Ben Fordham: Now, NAPLAN. This year’s NAPLAN test results, well, are they a wake up call or what? The scores reveal that billions of dollars in extra funding to our schools have failed to deliver improvements in learning. Literacy and numeracy skills have flat-lined over the last three years, writing skills have gone backwards, spelling,…


Interview on ABC 891 Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan

Subject: Defence industry in South Australia, Northern Territory juvenile justice system,  MATTHEW ABRAHAM: Welcome to the studio. We welcome Kate Ellis, Shadow Minister for Vocational and Early Childhood Education, and the Member for Adelaide, re-elected. Welcome, Kate Ellis. KATE ELLIS: Good morning, great to be with you. MATTHEW ABRAHAM: Narrowly re-elected Nick Xenophon, Independent Senator…


Interview on ABC 891 Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan

JOURNALIST: Senator Penny Wong, welcome to studio, Labor Senator Penny Wong. Simon Birmingham, Liberal Senator. You’re both here because you’re number one on your tickets. And Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Senator, she’s on the phone line. Good morning Sarah Hanson-Young. SARAH HANSON-YOUNG: Good morning, thanks for having me. JOURNALIST: You’ve got point six-seven of a quota…


Interview on SKY News AM Agenda with Kieran Gilbert

KIERAN GILBERT: I’m with the Education Minister Simon Birmingham. Senator Birmingham, thanks for your time, you’ve heard the response, the critique of both Cory Bernardi and Peta Credlin. First of all, Peta Credlin’s comment that the Prime Minister broke the Liberal party’s heart, what do you make of that? SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning, Kieran. Well I think…
