Interview – Doorstop – Playford

Subject: Stretton Centre; Submarines; Urban Rail Projects E&OE… JAY WEATHERILL: [inaudible] and no better place and no better name to have such an ambition than the name of Hugh Stretton, a fantastic public intellectual who has really [inaudible] to understand the world of work, it’s connection to with how cities operate, and in this growing…


Interview – RN Drive – Patricia Karvelas

Subject: Higher Education Reforms; Labor’s Higher Education Policy; National Curriculum Review E&OE… PATRICIA KARVELAS: Minister, good evening and congratulations. SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good evening Patricia and to your listeners, thank you very much. PATRICIA KARVELAS: How was cabinet? SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Look, cabinet was a good and positive meeting. Obviously very exciting to be there for the…


Interview – ABC News Radio – Steve Chase

Subject: Education Policy Direction E&OE… STEVE CHASE: Senator Birmingham, we are hearing that the government is keen to reset some key policy directions, especially in taxation and in your portfolio, Education; what does that mean for your portfolio? SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Well good morning, Steve and listeners. Look, for the Education portfolio I will be an…


Interview – ABC 7:30

SABRA LANE: One of those tipped for a promotion in the first Turnbull ministry is the Assistant Minister for Education and Training, South Australian Senator Simon Birmingham. I spoke with him earlier.  Simon Birmingham thanks for talking to 7:30.  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good evening Sabra.  SABRA LANE: You were tipped to get a promotion this weekend.…


Interview – FiveAA – Leon Byner

Subject: South Australia under the Turnbull Government; Tertiary Education Reforms; South Australian Training Funding E&OE… LEON BYNER: Let’s talk with Senator Simon Birmingham. Simon, first of all, congratulations on your elevation.     SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Thank you very much, Leon and good morning to you and your listeners.  LEON BYNER: So tell me, how is…
