AM Agenda, Sky News Australia – Julia Gillard and Bob Carr, university places, poker machine reform

  KIERAN GILBERT: With me now on the program, Labor MP Andrew Leigh and Liberal frontbencher Simon Birmingham. Gentlemen, good morning to both of you.   ANDREW LEIGH: Morning, Kieran.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Morning, Kieran.   KIERAN GILBERT: Andrew, I’ll start where I started with the Minister [Chris Evans, Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills Science…


FIVEaa – Murray-Darling Basin Plan

  KEITH CONLON: The Prime Minister’s in town, she’ll be in the northern suburbs today, so will the Premier Jay Weatherill. In the ‘Tiser today you’ll see the Premier is very impassioned about the Murray, of course he is, he wants to talk to the Prime Minister about it. Senator Simon Birmingham … he definitely…


Doorstop interview, Parliament House – Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, taxpayer funded advertising, Labor leadership

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Yesterday in Senate Estimates it was revealed that this Labor Government has spent more than a million dollars of taxpayers’ money on focus groups, on polling and market research into their carbon tax; that they’re giving around $100,000 to the ACTU [Australian Council of Trade Unions] to help union officials sell the carbon tax;…
