Triple M – Hobart with Brian Carlton

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 07:05AM Brian Carlton: Federal Finance Minister Senator Birmingham. Good morning, welcome to Triple M Hobart. Sorry about that delay.   Simon Birmingham: Hey, Brian, great to be with you.   Brian Carlton: Appreciate your time. Tell me the trillion dollars’ worth of debt, how long is that going to take to pay off?  …


Interview on ABC The Business with Kathryn Robinson

Topics: Budget 2021-22            11/05/2021 10:00PM Kathryn Robinson: Well, the budget bottom line is much better than forecast last October, the deficit is expected to be one hundred sixty one dollars billion this year. That’s all thanks to more Australians in work than ever before. Less people on welfare and record iron ore prices, which have delivered a…


Doorstop, Parliament House, Canberra

Topics: Budget 2021, NDIS, Protestors 11/05/2021 07:30AM Simon Birmingham: Well happy budget day. Today, Australians will see the Morrison Government hand down a budget that will continue to see Australia through the COVID-19 uncertainties. To keep Australians safe, to focus on continuing to grow jobs for Australians through economic security and, of course, to invest…


Interview on Channel 7, Sunrise with David Koch

Topics: Budget 2021 11/05/2021 07:10AM David Koch:  For more, I’m joined by Finance Minister Simon Birmingham, who does all the work on the budget while the Treasurer takes all the glory, just saying. Minister, what’s driving these changes to superannuation?   Simon Birmingham: Thanks, Kochie. Well, thank you very much for that intro. Look, it’s…
