AM Agenda, Sky News Australia – Border security; Australia’s relationship with Indonesia; Julia Gillard

  KIERAN GILBERT: Joining us now, Labor frontbencher Mike Kelly here in the Canberra studio; in Adelaide, Liberal frontbencher Senator Simon Birmingham. Good to see you both, gentlemen. Mike, first to you… the asylum seeker panel today – Angus Houston meeting with various representatives of the political parties… …   KIERAN GILBERT: Senator Birmingham, there…


Lunchtime Agenda, Sky News Australia – DLA Piper report, Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, Newspoll, border protection, Australia’s relationship with Indonesia, Labor and the Greens

  DAVID LIPSON: First, to more disturbing claims of sexual abuse within Defence. The full report from law firm DLA Piper has now been released and, among other things, outlines 24 cases of rape in the late ’90s alone and none of them are believed to have gone to trial. Also, claims that sections of…


FIVEaa – Murray-Darling Basin reform

  CHRIS KENNY: Well, there we have it. After 100 years or so of Federation we’ve still got states and federal governments at loggerheads over the future of the Murray-Darling Basin. I must say we have got bids in to speak to the Federal Environment Minister, Tony Burke. He is available but because of various…


891 ABC Adelaide – Same-sex marriage

  NATASHA STOTT DESPOJA: Well, some of you may have seen that there’s a big debate going on in Federal Parliament yet again about same-sex marriage and two pieces of legislation are being debated in the House of Representatives. Today in the House of Representatives a report came down into the issue and a majority…
