Doorstop Interview, Adelaide

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop Interview, Adelaide Topics: Establishment of an Australian national space agency 25/09/2017 09:40AM Simon Birmingham: Thank you very much for coming today. It’s a real thrill for Adelaide and Australia to be hosting the International Astronautical Congress, and I am particularly thrilled to be here representing the Prime Minister and the Minister for…


Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Breakfast with Ali Clarke and David Bevan

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Breakfast with Ali Clarke and David Bevan Topics: Establishment of a national space agency; Same-sex marriage survey 25/09/2017 08:35AM David Bevan: Simon Birmingham, Federal Education Minister, joins us now. Good morning, Senator Birmingham. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, David. David Bevan: The space agency. Can you explain to us,…


Doorstop interview, Adelaide

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Adelaide Topics: English Australia Annual ELICOS Conference; Assault of Tony Abbott; Same-sex marriage; The mighty Adelaide Crows 22/09/2017 9:05AM Simon Birmingham: Thanks for coming along. There are a few things I want to touch on this morning. Firstly, I am thrilled to have just spoken at the English Australia Conference –…


Doorstop interview, Adelaide

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Adelaide Topics: Innovation in universities; Higher education reform; Cory Bernardi comments on Craigburn Primary School fundraiser. 21/09/2017 10:45AM Journalist: Senator, why are we here this morning? Simon Birmingham: Innovation is central to success in our universities, to ensure that, in teaching and learning, new measures help students to learn more, learn…


Interview on Channel 10, The Project

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on Channel 10, The Project Topics: Year 1 numeracy and literacy checks 18/09/2017 07:05PM Carrie Bickmore: Well, Education Minister Simon Birmingham joins us now to talk letters and numbers. Simon, is this test needed? Like, I’ve had a child go through Year One and I just assumed that they were going to…


Interview on 4BC Drive with Ben Davis

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on 4BC Drive with Ben Davis Topics: Year 1 literacy and numeracy checks 18/09/2017 03:14PM Ben Davis: Simon Birmingham is the Federal Education Minister. Simon, afternoon, thanks for your time. Simon Birmingham: G’day. Ben Davis: The report that was released today, what’s it show us about Year 1s? Simon Birmingham: Yeah g’day…


Interview on FIVEaa mornings with Leon Byner

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on FIVEaa mornings with Leon Byner Topics: Year 1 literacy and numeracy checks; TAFE qualifications 18/09/2017 11:13:AM Leon Byner: So Minister Birmingham, good morning. Simon Birmingham: Good morning Leon. Leon Byner: So you want to introduce this, don’t you? Simon Birmingham: Yes, indeed. Look, we think this is something worth the states,…


Doorstop interview, Adelaide

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Adelaide Topics: Year 1 numeracy and literacy checks 18/09/2017 11:30AM Simon Birmingham: Thanks very much for coming along today. Nothing is more important in our education system than the success of our children, of students. And in school, that starts at the earliest ages, where the building blocks are established upon…
