2SM – Julia Gillard’s carbon tax

  GRANT GOLDMAN: … Now, the Coalition has moved to limit electricity price rises in the face of this new legislation. If the carbon tax passes today they say the Prime Minister should do the honourable thing and not gazette the legislation and immediately call an election so that Australians can actually finally have their…


2SM – Poker machine reform

  DI COVENY GARLAND: … now on the line, Liberal Senator for South Australia Simon Birmingham. Good morning, Simon.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning, Dianne, and good morning to your listeners.   DI COVENY GARLAND: So, Simon, Tony Abbott says he will overturn the legislation if he becomes Prime Minister.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Yes, Dianne, look,…


News Hour, FIVEaa – National Broadband Network, Labor waste, Labor debt and deficit, Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, taxpayer funded advertising

  ANDREW REIMER: You heard just a moment ago, on the News Hour, that construction work is about to begin on the infrastructure for the next stage of the rollout of the high speed National Broadband Network. The company undertaking the work for the Federal Government, NBN Co, released a 12-month plan today listing the…
