Interview – 891 ABC Adelaide – Ali Clarke

ALI CLARK: We are talking about this report that has been handed down by the Australian Council of Educational Research. Professor Geoff Masters is my guest, he has analysed this report and has found five challenges in the Australian school education system. Simon Birmingham has actually picked up the phone and called in, the Federal Education…


Interview – Sky News – Kieran Gilbert

Kieran Gilbert: With me now though to discuss the Government’s education funding plans and the rest of the politics of the day at the start of this very important week is the Education Minister Simon Birmingham. Let’s start first of all on this plan that you’ve announced yesterday. Labor says it’s coming in at $3.5 billion…


Interview – ABC News 24 – Michael Rowland

Michael Rowland: Okay let’s go to the other hot button issue of the forthcoming Federal Election campaign, that is education funding. The Government announced yesterday that it will increase funding in tomorrow’s budget but the pledge falls well short of Labor’s commitment under the Gonski plan. Education Minister Simon Birmingham joins us now from Parliament House.…


Interview – ABC AM – Michael Brissenden

Michael Brissenden: One part of the Budget that has been confirmed is spending on education. The Government is committing an extra $1.2 billion for schools between 2018 and 2020, partially reversing the $30 billion cut to education funding in the 2014 Budget. Funding will be tied to new literacy and numeracy checks. The commitment falls short…


Interview – 2GB – Alan Jones

Alan Jones: Simon Birmingham, good morning. Simon Birmingham: Good morning Alan, good to be with you. Alan Jones: Thank you. How do these arguments stack up? On the one hand, a wonderful articulation of the fact that spending more money doesn’t produce appropriate educational outcomes, and then in the next breath you spend more money. Simon Birmingham:…


Interview – Sky News – David Speers

David Speers: With me now is the Education Minister Simon Birmingham, thank you for joining us this afternoon. Simon Birmingham: Good afternoon David. David Speers: So, what you’ve announced is less than what Gonski recommended, about $3 billion less. Was the Gonski Panel wrong about that or is it simply that you just can’t afford to do what…


Interview – 3AW Drive – Tom Elliot

Tom Elliot: Anyway, our next guest is the federal Education Minister. Senator Simon Birmingham, good afternoon. Simon Birmingham: Good afternoon, good to be with you. Tom Elliot: Now, I know this is sort of an official budget leak, but apparently you’ve got over a billion dollars to pump into primary and secondary schools – is that correct? Simon…


Interview – FiveAA – David Penberthy

JOURNALIST: We’ll have an opening statement chat with Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham and the Labor member for Adelaide Kate Ellis. We’ll start with you if we can Birmo. Now, this Newspoll this morning, I guess, the logic of changing leaders last year when Tony Abbott was replaced with Malcolm Turnbull was that you wanted a better communicator, you wanted a…
